The Dawn of Darth Kilo – from Kilo
The Dawn of Darth Kilo – from Kilo

The Dawn of Darth Kilo – from Kilo

PAX:Cardinal, Enron, Paradox, Percleator, Piccadilly, Roughneck

As YHC was prepping for his VQ the night before, an all-out manhunt was conducted in search of Lifejacket. The search spanned far and wide from the deserts of Tatooine, to the seas of Kimino, and finishing in the dreaded lava rivers of Mustafar. The treacherous search bore no fruit. YHC concluded the search with the solemn realization that Lifejacket had vanished like a cowardly sidekick when it came time for its dual against the legendary duo, Anker and JBL. YHC made his concessions and altered his plans as necessary.

YHC pulled up at The Peltch to 6 eager, yet cautious, PAX. They had no idea what was required to properly prepare in advance for Star Wars Day, May the Fourth, but YHC had arrived to show them the way with both a red and a blue lightsaber in hand.

Warmup: X-Wings (SSH), Darth Mauls (WM), General Grievous (AC), IW, Anakin’s Mom (Self-Love)

Thang 1:
Imperial March (High Knee Mosey) to the Thunderdome. Right from the start, this proved to be much more difficult than YHC expected. Worried for what was to come, Paradox made a suggestion to Mos Eisley (Normal Mosey) when it came time to depart the Thunderdome. The merciful YHC took note, but would remember the Imperial March for later use.

Star Wars Trivia: 15 questions, each with their own exercise. A correct answer decreased that exercise by half.
• 40 X-Wings
• 30 Mountain Climbers (2 is 1)
• 20 Merkins
• 30 Freak Nastys
• 30 Jar Jars (flutter kicks)
• 20 Burpees
• 30 – second mid plank
• 40 squats
• 20 BBS
• 20 leg raises
• 60 – second wall sit
• 30 X-Wings
• 20 Merkins
• 30 Freak nastys
• 30 LBCs
YHC was generally pleased with the level of Star Wars knowledge held by the PAX, but was thoroughly impressed by Cardinal’s ability to summon the knowledge and wisdom of the Jedi Order when threatened with Burpees.

Thang 2:
Mos Eisley (Mosey) to the chimney.

AT-AT Race (Bear Crawl Race): PAX AT-AT raced back and fourth multiple times between lightsaber markings (about 30 yards apart). This yielded much suffering from the Padawan PAX. Two 10-Counts were necessary to deter mass asphyxiation.

Thang 3:
Light Side / Dark Side: (Basically like “Never have I Ever” but begins with “Sith Lords have…”). 10 questions. Sith Lords do full exercise, Jedi do half.
• Sprint to Chimney
• 40 X-Wings
• 20 Burpees
• 20 BBS
• 20 Jar Jars
• 20 Burpees
• 40 Squats
• 20 Mountain climbers (2 is 1)
• 20 BBS
• 30 – Second MI Plank
YHC was pleasantly surprised to see that the majority of PAX were on very similar moral ground.

Mos Eisley through Thunderdome and back to the Flag for a solid 5 minutes of MARY.

COT and Cardinal prayed us out.

Thank you for bearing with me on my VQ. I hope it was as enjoyable for all of you as it was for me. Darth Kilo has shown his face…and Darth Kilo will return.

See You in the Gloom,