Dagobah – from Paradox
Dagobah – from Paradox

Dagobah – from Paradox

PAX:Figments of my Imagination p

Dense bayou gloom surrounded the stage this morning for what was planned to be a traditional beatdown. YHC and JBL were in the middle of some light stretching when a bus full of PAX arrived: Eminem, Led Zeppelin, the Peppers, AC/DC, and Axel Rose stepped off a tricked-out tour bus and a thunderous rock beatdown commenced.

Warmorama: Traditional Goose warmup (SSH, WM, IW, AC, cherry pickers, self-love plus a bumper mosey.

The Thang
25 squats then bear crawl to the top of the stage for 15 freak nasties , high knee back repeato x4
4×4 merkin/mountain climbers then track lap repeato until playlist was done

Thunderstruck Finisher – high knees, squats on Thunder
Mary with 5 reps bicycle, 5 reps LBC repeat during

COT , Axel prayed us out, and the tour bus disappeared into the gloom.

With the fog plus Kilos epic star wars beatdown fresh in my mind I couldn’t help but imagine this was jedi training on Dagobah with JBL as my Yoda.

See ya in the next gloom fellas