NOT hum-drum at the Scrum – from Bolt
NOT hum-drum at the Scrum – from Bolt

NOT hum-drum at the Scrum – from Bolt

PAX:Bolt, CyberCajun, Fracsac, Hawgcycle, Kenna Brah, Rev Sox

Undeterred by the debacle at El Diablo and Rudy’s relentless whining and razzing me, YHC committed to reset and revisit the focus on the upper chest: place your left index finger underneath the right side collar bone and thumb vertically in the middle of the sternum, raise right hand overhead and note the upper chest movement: that’s where the focus is.

Warmarama: Rapper’s Delight edition
Including MNCs and a few burpees for Frac

The Thang: pair up, 3 stations: box jumps and step ups AMRAP with 10 dips being the timer.

5 upper chest exercises, 1 minute work/30 sec rest with a 10 rep target focusing on the area beneath collar bone/along sternum, while other two pair do legs/abs AMRAP
Rd. 1 Archer (thumbs at lower chest): Squats/LBCs
Rd. 2 Explosive: side lunge/BBS
Rd. 3 Diamond Inc. (touch pinkies at top): reverse lunge/penguins
Rd. 4 Pseudo Pike (hands at waist high): Bonnie Blairs/American hammers
Rd. 5 Plunge (wide grip): Rocky Balboas/crunchy frogs

Final refinement will include giving each chest move an F3-style name (one is definitely Rudy Booty) and limiting each beatdown to only one of the moves so it isn’t a total smoke fest. Feel free to watch the video and submit naming suggestions via mumblechatter. Grateful for all of u!