Not Suitable For Sunday School – from Hawgcycle
Not Suitable For Sunday School – from Hawgcycle

Not Suitable For Sunday School – from Hawgcycle

PAX:Boo-Boo, CyberCajun, Fracsac, Hawgcycle, Mambi, War Eagle

Conditions: 64 degrees, 87% Humidity, Wind 3.4 mph from ESE
Pax: The Sac, HC Mambi, War B*tch, Boo, Cyber, and YHC

SSH x 25; Imperial Walkers x 25; Peter Parkers x 20; Windmills x 10; LBCs x 25

The Thang:
Line up near the stairs. One man runs up and around the stairs back to the end of the line. Each man moves up one position in the line.
• Position 1 – Big Boi Sit-ups
• Position 2 – Bakerd Lunges
• Position 3 – Merkins
• Positon 4 – Flutter Kicks
• Position 5 – Burpees
Everyone went through the line twice

Mosey to the middle of the field where we played some games with a couple of flying orb balls
• Game 1 – Keep the two flying orbs in the air as long as possible
• Game 2 – Divide into teams of 3. Each team counts down from 10 with each tap of the orb. Whatever number you are on when the orb hits the ground is the number of burpees you do.
• Game 3 – Everyone takes a seat around a giant square. Man in the middle taps the orb in the air and calls out someone’s name and trades places with that person. The person called has to run to the orb tap it and call out another name….etc. I can’t say this went well.
• Game 4 – 2 teams of 3. One team does burpees as long as the other team keeps the orb in the air. Teams switch roles once the orb hits the ground.

After the orbs died we moseyed to the soccer field to play some poker. The deck of cards was located at the south goal. Starting at the North goal, run to the deck and grab a card. Bring it back and do the exercise and number of reps on the card. Continue until you have 7 cards or time runs out. At the end we made our best five card hand. Losers did 10 burpees. YHC did a pool side stretch.

Mosey back to the flag.

Naked Man Moleskin
• First complaint from the pax formerly known as War Eagle came 35 seconds into the workout when he thought the mosey to the warm-up was too long.
• Second complaint from the pax fka War Eagle came 6 minutes and 20 seconds into the workout when we got down in the grass to do LBCs.
• Third complaint from the pax fka War Eagle came 8 minutes and 10 seconds into the warm-up when we headed to the stairs.
• I lost track after that.
• The flying orbs were fun and have lots of potential. YHC, Mambi and War Bleep, were professionals from the get go. Once we stopped to watch Frac, Boo, and Cyber C, we were embarrassed for them. It made sense why the ladies walking the track were pointing and laughing. Even with YHC’s literary skills, I can’t figure out how to explain what they were doing.
• YHC wanted to call it quits on the Orb Game #3, but War %*$#@ said we could figure it out. I was inspired by his never say die attitude, so we continued the game. We never figured it out.
• On Slack yesterday Frac declared that he is terrible at card games. He ain’t lyin’
• Frac ended the workout with one of the most unnecessary modifications of all time.
• Boo is starting a Book Club at Pontiff. Just show up 15 minutes prior to the workout.