Murph Week 3 ~ with a little  “H8” running – from Hokie
Murph Week 3 ~ with a little “H8” running – from Hokie

Murph Week 3 ~ with a little “H8” running – from Hokie

PAX:Backed up, Baywatch, Hokie, Mahatma, Triple Shift

YHC struggled getting out of bed this AM and came in hot at 0529 for the 0530 Q

Earlier in the week, I posted asking who wanted to continue with Murph training and who wanted to train for the H8. The brief discussion had one vote for Murph and no votes for H8 so off top the “House of pain” we 5 moseyed.

Two minute intervals
2-4-6; 3-6-9, 4-8-12, 5-10-15, 6-12-18 and 7-14-21 (Pull Ups – Merkins – Squats) after completion on the three exercises; rest for the remainder of the two minutes.

Effort was called upon to focus on form with full extension and chin above the bar on pull ups.

After the 6th round of 7 pull ups, 14 merkins and 21 squats, we ran to the home of the H8 for one “lap” running up the hill, bear crawl across the neutral ground, run down the far side and across and back up, bear crawl across the neutral ground, then run down toward Lake Pontchartrain and back to the house of pain for round 2.

After round 2, we ran to the Mardi Gras Fountain and back to the flag for 10 burpees and one final lap around the Mardi Gras Fountain.

Thank you to Mahatma for the tunes and encouragement!

Thanks to all pax along with some assists for those of us who need to cross our legs and get assistance with pull ups.

Next week 3-6-9, 4-8-12, 5-10-15, 6-12-18, 7-14-21 AND 8-16-24 and a Double H8 run!!! I will bring the bands for those who need assistance with pull ups.