Blue Abadeee – from Paradox
Blue Abadeee – from Paradox

Blue Abadeee – from Paradox

PAX:Goose, Perc, Tighty Whitey, Cardinal

YHC gathered some new props and an experimental new game for the PAX on a warm bayou morning.

SSH, IW, Windmills, AC, CP, BKs, HKs
Wrapped up Warm up with Eiffel 65’s Blue
Hold LBC formation and LBC crunch on Blue
This is a long one, they get especially “broken” at the end.

Thang 1
Headed out to Sweat Grass Loop for a light mosey and we found some pre planned treasure in the straight away. YHC planted 10 cones on our course for my first attempt at 1st and 10s.
Started the PAX at 10 yards with 10 diamond merkins and 1 burpee, sprint the remaining yardage, mosey back to 20 yard cone for 9 diamond merkins and 2 burpees…repeato
NOTE**We only completed to 80 yard marker and capped off with merkin, derkin, werkin finisher due to YHC poor time management and wanting time for THANG 2 experiment.

YHC was inspired by recent PAX creativity including Percolators sharpening of our mental fitness so we spiced up an old childrens game with a twist. 24 cards were organized with care and each had a mactching twin. Each pax took a turn flipping two cards, if they match we do just the exercise and they go into the bag. If they don’t its both exercises . Cards listed below. We only made it about half way here but looking forward to a PAX goal of finishing at a future beatdown.

24 cards with Matches of:
15 carolina dry docks
25 werkins
15 dips
25 derkins
25 sister mary K’s
Bench sprint
50 ssh
25 flutter kicks
50 LBCs
1 lap track run
25 Big Boy SitUps

Only 3 minutes left so we wrapped up with a thunderstruck finisher (burpees on thunder, cherry pickers on rest)

Max HR: 179 thanks to Goose sharpening iron with his sprint effort
Morale: 80% due to suprisingly warm weather
Mumblechatter: 37% (YHC poor time management and underestimating 1st and 10s)
Safety Level: 108% due to Tidy Whiteys flourescent hoody and YHCs approaching motorist etiquette

Continued prayers for Ukraine/Russian conflict
Thanks for another opportunity to lead