Monday Audible – from Mahatma
Monday Audible – from Mahatma

Monday Audible – from Mahatma

PAX:Fracsac, Mahatma, Rev Sox, War Eagle

After a disappointing Super Bowl game where Go-Devil lead another Rams team to a victory influenced by ref throwing yellow flags this time I was so looking forward to throwing rocks at RC. Yet for some strange reason just before hitting the I-10 ramp there was a thought to check the Q schedule (as I very seldom check emails on Sunday or early Monday, if in fact reminders are still sent) as to who was leading…….damn an Audible was just called as I see Mahatma was signed up to Q the scrum! Mindset changed now I had to floor it to make that journey to the “rough” side of Metry!
Burning rubber I enter the stadium parking lot to see 3 silhouettes standing in the wet grass scratching their head as if to be wondering if they had to call an audible for Qing amongst themselves yet as my truck comes to a stop and my shoes hit the deck……game on!

Quick disclaimer and a short mosey to the play set a short warm up ensued:
25 SSH
10 Mnt Man Poopers
10 Side Lunge
10 Imperial Walkers
10 Peter Parker / Parker Peters
All got on the parallel dip bar – 5 count
Same for the monkey bars – 5 pull ups

Mosey to the Performing Arts Bldg
Ascend to the “skybox” and pair up for a mini DORA:
50 Merkins
100 jump sqts
150 dips
Flip / Flop
Timer was to run down the ramp to the street and around to ascend the stairs back to the sky box. Max reps 25 then hold plank to wait – until we got to dips max out reps while partner was running.
Once complete we moseyed back down to the benches in front of the PA center 2 rounds of box jumps, decline , incline merkins , step up dips and split sqts.
Mosey to the parking lot for 5/11 (1 less then 66). 5 merkins at each lamp post X 11 with some form of made up animal movement between each post. When completed we moseyed back to the start. YHC grabbed his phone (hey this is Metry – NOT NOLA so leaving your phone on the curb is not a risk)!

Line up for an Indian run back to the play set finisher 2 rounds of 5 dead hang pull ups (assisted if needed) then 5 parallel bar dips.

5 minutes of Mary:
Gas Pumpers
Big Boy Sit Ups
Baby T’s
And real scuba kicks

Back to the flag for COT