Rocky on the Bayou – from Paradox
Rocky on the Bayou – from Paradox

Rocky on the Bayou – from Paradox

Looking for inspiration to beat this new year into submission YHC pulled together a hybrid of Rocky Balboa inspiration so we could see 2022 through the eye of the tiger.

Warmorama: SSH, Imperial walkers, arm circles, cherry pickers, high knees, self love

Pre Round 1
Played Eye of the Tiger: 60 second intervals, plank, mountain climber, merkins, mountain climber, plank

Round 1 w/ Apollo Creed
Running Rich Mansions loops taking turns with ole hickory (30 lb bar)
Return to parking lot for Creed sprints x2

Round 2 w/ Clubber Lang
Indian Run on rich mansion loop with ole Hickory at the lead man, last man with 3 burpees then catch up to front

Round 3 w/ Ivan Drago: If he dies, he dies…
Every light post on rich mansion loop with variation pushups at each stop (merkins, wide, diamond, peter parker, parker peter, stagger left, stagger right, burpees, lbcs ) one man has ole hickory at each stop for squat presses
Return to Stage for Mary: Flutter kicks, dolphin hops
COT with Enron on the prayers