Rock, Paper, Scissors, Bombs, and a Thunderdome – from Goose
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Bombs, and a Thunderdome – from Goose

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Bombs, and a Thunderdome – from Goose

The weather this morning may have been the closest to perfect F3 weather that exists. The PAX were grateful for a cool breeze and dry grass, especially as the burpee count continued to rise.
PAX: Goose, Percolator, Enron, Pope, Coyote

Warmup: SSH, WM, AC (fore, back), Cherry pickers, IW, Self love

Thang 1:
Moseyed to the Thunderdome in a roundabout fashion to wake the legs and lungs up. Once there, PAX partnered up for BOMBS. As one PAX ran to the bathroom building and completed three donkey kicks against the brick wall, the other worked on:
50 Burpees
100 Overhead presses in people’s chair position (sitting against a column)
150 Merkins
175 Big Boi Situps
200 Squats
YHC was quick to choose Coyote as partner to the chagrin of Enron–we all know how Coyote rolls–though the pace was about even for most of it. The overhead presses went pretty quick (especially for Coyote), but the rest was nice and grueling.

Thang 2:
Moseyed to the Chimney for a Rock, Paper, Scissors, Burpees competition. Each round, the winner does merkins while loser does burpees–1 for first round, 2 for second, etc., up to 10. YHC still has some lingering PTSD from the first time I did this on the Northshore at Granny’s. Steve was my partner throughout, and I lost the last 9 out of 10 rounds, which meant a total of 54 relatively non-stop burpees broken intermittently only by a couple seconds of hope that I might win the next round and catch my breath only to have my metaphorical head dunked back under the metaphorical water. Steve, if you’re reading this, your mind-reading witchcraft is going to send you straight to hell.
This time, we switched partners each round to stem some of the mind reading, though Enron bragged after round 7 that he’d only done one burpee thus far. His prided ended up being his undoing as rounds 8-10 resulted in straight burpees for the expert strategist.

With about ten minutes remaining, we gathered around a bench on the trail for alternating incline merkins/diamond merkins/werkins on the back of it and step ups on the front. Indian run back to the flag with the last man running backward to the front of the line.

Mary at the flag was 30 Scuba Steves, 25 Australian Sweat Angels, 15 static wife pleasers, 15 normal wife pleasers, and 10 count Lazy Boys (straight, right, and left) all IC 4-count. Coyote wistfully stated that the Lazy Boy’s reminded him of Wet Tap, then looked into the distance and sighed. The PAX responded with slow, understanding nods and a moment of silent reflection, remembering the good times.

COT and Coyote prayed us out. Thanks for pushing today, fellas! It was an honor to be with you!
