Il Giro d’Italia – from Rudy
Il Giro d’Italia – from Rudy

Il Giro d’Italia – from Rudy

YHC started taking Italian classes over the last year, with the hopes and expectations of being able to speak the language on a yet-to-be-scheduled trip to Italy. The year started strongly, leading to a promise made to El Guapo that YHC would lead a Q in Italian by the end of the year.

Then YHC fell off the wagon. But the promise remained. And running out of time, YHC finally bit the bullet and decided to give this a whirl. So 9 PAX joined YHC for a journey through l’Italia on this gloomy, wet morning. Welcome Boucher from Macon, GA! And good to see Special K back in the gloom!

E cinque e mezzo. C’é F3 e mi chiamo Rudy. No sono un formatore professionista. Sei responsibile della tua sicurezza. Spingerti, ma non farti del male. Andiamo in campo!


SSH, Abe Vigoda, Pietro Parker, Parker Pietro. Posizione di portenza, Mossa! In Cadenza, Esercizio! Uno, Due, Tre….

At this point, PAX count dropped by 1 as Magcyver sprinted off to “take care of some business”

The Thang: A tour of Italy

The fortress cities of the Tuscan Region. Lets tear down the walls (of Jericho). 7 8-count-body builders, and a lap around half the field. Repeat 7 times.

The northern Alps. At the front of the gym, lets climb the mountains (aka “stairs”). Bear crawl up, 5 merks. OK, that one is easy. Lets get harder… Repeat with Crawl bear, Crab walk, and Walk crab. Then repeat going back down the ladder.

On to Pompeii (the Gazebo), in the shadows of Mount Vesuvius (the giant hill…). Here, the PAX recreated the everyday activities that the people of Pompeii were engaged in when the volcano erupted. We “put the dishes in the cabinet” (aka, Right Leg Stepups). Then put some dishes in the Left cabinet. Then we went and sat down for a bit in our Peoples recliner chair.

On to the ruins of Roma (the Rock Pile). Grab a rock for some “Eternal City” exercise sets. Rows, Curls, Situps. In silence. Just start going. YHC has a count in his head, and announces when we have hit the end. But until then – just keep on lifting.

Finally, a quick visit to the rocky mountainous island of Sicily (i.e., the railroad tracks) for some balance and walking as we stare into the lights of the approaching train.

Then back to the flag for a COT (welcome back Macgyver!). Prayers of thanksgiving and for health of ill PAX. Thank you all for pushing me to meet a commitment. May 2022 bring me a better grasp of the Italian Language!