The 12 Days of FITmas (El Diablo edition) – from Bolt
The 12 Days of FITmas (El Diablo edition) – from Bolt

The 12 Days of FITmas (El Diablo edition) – from Bolt

With a couple PAX keying off my self-promoting post offering the Bolt 3M guarantee, 7 PAX joined YHC in the gloom for a peek at what’s in my sack, like good little boys anxious for their gifts! Upon the disclaimer we moseyed to the goal line where we circled up for the warmup. At some point during the warmup War Eagle and Rougarou snuck in as if I didn’t see them—COAL for you; those who are late do not get fruit cup!

Warmup IC: SSH (25), Abe SLOWgodas(10), arm circles forward/back, tclaps, MNC (all 20x), self love (15); Toy soldiers, Hillbillies (20x), Grumbling from Rudy about the length of warmup (hey, Rapper’s Delight is 7+ minutes—my Q, bro!)

YHC explained each day of Fitmas would be performed alternating between the 50 and goal line via mosey (Day 1) and each day represented a different exercise and the corresponding number of reps matching the day of Fitmas, followed by each previous days’ exercises/reps. As PAX completed their mosey to the 50/goal line to await the six they were treated to milk and cookies, if milk and cookies were, in fact, SSH which allowed all PAX to open the next day’s gift from their Q together.

Day 1: Mosey
Day 2: Diamond merkins
Day3: Shoulder Taps (2:1)
Day 4: Reverse Lunges (2:1)
Day 5: Burpees
Day 6: Squats
Day 7: Merkins
Day 8: Big Boy sit-ups
Day 9: Flutter Kicks
Day 10: LBCs
Day 11: Plank Jacks
Day 12: Mtn. Climbers (2:1)

Mosey to the bleachers and celebrate the eight crazy nights of Hanukkah with what else? Up and down a Merkin ladder of course, rungs one through eight adding a rep on the way up and decreasing a rep on the way down.

Mosey to flag and circle up for Mary: 20 LBCs, 25 dying cockroaches, 30 penguins, 35 LBT. Don’t think I didn’t notice some unnamed PAX NOT performing reps at various points and Bogey even gave me a little side eye that I could only interpret as, “You gotta be Fitmas-ing kidding me!?” as he took a breather—or four…

COT; honored to lead this group of fine men and thankful for each of you for pushing me—forward is the direction we go!