Time Killer with the River Stones – from Rudy
Time Killer with the River Stones – from Rudy

Time Killer with the River Stones – from Rudy

10 PAX, including 1 FNG (welcome Slab!) and 1 Kotter (good to see you back, Spawning!), at the Mothership on a uncomfortably warm and humid December morning. YHC sporting Jesuit gear in hopes of inspiring any Jays in the crowd. But seems that the regular Jays crowd must be sleeping in to get ready for a big day of tailgating. But the PAX who were present were in for a good start to Championship Saturday.

Mosey to the Great Lawn to get started. SHOOT. Didn’t take too long for YHC to get confused about the plan. Quick pivot – lets mosey over towards the Fountain for a quick warmup. SSH, IW, and some back stretches. Bat Wings – but much to FracSac’s dismay, YHC cut off before we got to the Dancing Night Clubs. We’ve got to get moving.

Grab a Stone and head to the Great Lawn.

The Thang: 12 step ladder. Starting at the path on one end, there are 11 trees down the lawn. Each round, we will add one more tree and exercise to the circuit. Carry the rock from tree to tree. Most exercises used the rock. But even if it didn’t, you were on the hook to haul it along.

+ At the sidewalk, start with 1 8-Count Body Builder (thanks Hawg, for the demonstration to our FNG. YHC forgot about that).
+ Add 2 Block Burpees at the first Tree.
+ Add 3 Thrusters at the next tree.
+ 4 Curl-Presses. YHC had a total brain fart on this. There was something planned for 4, but YHC could not remember. PAX held a plank for about a minute while YHC tried in vain to recall. War Eagle suggested Curl-Presses instead, so that works. These had been planned for 7, so this gave YHC a few more rounds to remember.
+ 5 Big Boy situps
+ 6 Squats
+ 7 Cross-over Merkins. THIS WAS WHAT SUPPOSED TO BE AT 4. YHC remembered just in the nick of time.
+ 8 American Hammers
+ 9 Rows (Hawg gracefully corrected PAX form. Many thanks)
+ 10 Lunges
+ 12 Burpees at the far sidewalk.

YHC had estimated that this was going to take about 30 minutes. So we had another exercise planned. But it was now 7:26. So lets hustle the rocks back to their resting place and get back to the (virtual) flag.

Finish up with COT – named our FNG Slab (he runs Kitchen Depot on Airline). War Eagle then took us home.

YHC noticed that these river stones offer a much different challenge than Rock City. They are smooth, lacking finger holds. It pushes different muscles to carry the rock for nearly an hour without those finger holds. My forearms were sore for the rest of the weekend. I will be using these again!