A Deck 4 the Pax – from Fracsac
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A Deck 4 the Pax – from Fracsac

YHC took the Q at the Mothership and skipped an opportunity to ruck in the west.
With a brief disclaimer given, 4 pax headed to the great lawn to warm up. Warmup was typical stuff which Rudy, Triple Shift and Catfish thoroughly enjoyed. Closed out with some 8 count Body builders IC to satisfy some of the monthly ISI challenge.

Mosey to the track for the main event.

With the F3 deck in hand, instructions were simple. Flip a card and complete 10 of the exercise as a 4 count IC unless the card gave specific instructions, such as 100 calf raises.

We did most all the Merkins available in the deck early on. If you Q with the deck, YHC recommends stacking the deck in a way to prevent that from happening. It’s like a fair way of cheating.

We did most of the deck, then moseyed back to the shovel flag for the COT where we met up with Tool as he finished his 8 plus mile run.

-The Mothership has been like riding an elevator to the top floors of the Hancock Whitney Center recently, the numbers continue to dwindle as people step off other floors. If the other AOs were overflowing it wouldn’t be a big deal, but maybe a little over a dozen between 3 AOs is a bit alarming. Maybe it’s just a busy time for families.
-We headed to Hahnville to gut a house as part of our Ida relief efforts, with Gabby as Q.