Back to Burpees by Popular Demand – from Fracsac
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Back to Burpees by Popular Demand – from Fracsac

12 pax at The Uptowner looking to put some work in to improve and get stronger. Weather was a bit humid, but cooler awesome weather is on the horizon! Bogey, Hand Grenada, Left Coast, War Eagle, Mahatma, Hokie, Hobbs, Boo Boo, Triple Shift, Fast Tax, Pass Interference (DR from Atlanta) and YHC got after it at 0530 sharp.

Disclaimer given, then mosey to the well marked and groomed field.

Warmup was typical with some bat wings to get the arms ready! Yes, Moroccan Night Club dancing happened!

The Thang

Shock and Awe!

5 SSH IC and 10 burpees OYO
5 SSH IC and 9 burpees OYO
Yada yada yada….
5 SSH IC and 3 burpees OYO
5 SSH IC and 2 burpees OYO
5 SSH IC and….duh! 10 burpees OYO!

Mosey to the goal line
Bear crawl 20 yards at a time, SSH waiting for the six

Bear crawl to 20 yard line, Catalina Wine Mixers x 10
Bear crawl to 40 yard line, LBC x 20
Bear crawl past midfield to 40 yard line, Merkins x 10
Bear crawl to 20 yard line, some core exercise
Bear crawl to goal line, 8 count Body builders x 10
That’s 100 yards of bear crawls, not too shabby!

Dirty Mac Duece

We did 4 rounds of 12 reps of a leg, an arm and a core. Ran a full lap between sets on first, modified to half lap on other 3 to ensure we would finish.

One minute left, so some West Bank Lazy Boyz!

Mosey back to the flag



-War Eagle was upset with YHCs lack of burpees recently. This beat down provided resolution.
-The Uptowner is sort of a non running AO, but that’s just a guideline and is flexible. The pax didn’t mind. Maybe running meant less burpees, so will have to address that next time. Less running, more burpees….
-Coffeteria was awesome as always.
-Pass Interference visiting from Atlanta was great, we always enjoy visitors down range!
Convergence is tomorrow 0630 City Park to celebrate 7 years in Nola!