Better late than never – from Akbar
Better late than never – from Akbar

Better late than never – from Akbar

PAX:Waterpick, Akbar, Milestone Marsh, F3 Northshore

YHC woke up to a foggy gloom to start the week out right. Wondering what the neighbor was doing leaving so early for work, a glance at the clock read 5:35. Undeterred, YHC kept on going and arrived at 5:45 – just in time for Waterpik to come running up after his solo beatdown.

We saw two other guys at the playground doing pull ups and merkins and went to introduce ourselves. Turns out one of them was Awol, who has joined us at the lakefront in the past. Invites were issued to both to join us again and we headed to center court for COT. Pik prayed us out with intentions for one of his patients, and an upcoming interview for myself. YHC went back into the gloom for a quick workout before heading home.