It looked better on paper – from Rudy
It looked better on paper – from Rudy

It looked better on paper – from Rudy

PAX:Bogey, Bolt, Boo-Boo, Fast Tax, Hand Grenada, Hawgcycle, Left Coast, Rev Sox, Rougarou, Rudy, Scantron, Vagabond, War Eagle

Large crowd in the gloom at El Diablo this am. Weather was delightful. Ground was moist, promising a nice, muddy workout. So at 5:30 – YHC gives a disclaimer and 12 PAX head to the football field. BooBoo starts the festivities by mocking the Q about said disclaimer, so all PAX get to start with 5 OYO Boo-Boo Burpees. Then we warm-up. Stretches, SSH, IW, arm circles. Get the blood flowing. And lo-and-behold, Vagabond emerges from the gloom just in time to make for an even 13 PAX.

The Thang 1: Two teams, count total reps. Losing PAX team will have to do more Boo-Boo Burpees. What’s the event? 10 8-cts, run to the other bench and back (i dunno, maybe 20 yards each direction?) 10 BBS, run to the bench and back. That’s 1. Do it again. OYO. Count how many iterations you get done. YHC sets a timer (8 minutes, but don’t tell anyone. Its more fun when you have no idea how long you’ll be working….). Go. Team 1 (with only 6 members) still outshines team 2 28-27. Way to go FastTax and Hawg, leading the way.

OK, that part worked ok.

Lets head to the playground. Quick round of 6 stations with pull ups as the counter. I’m not even sure what other exercises we did. This part definitely did not work out right. YHC was very confused about how to split PAX into 6 groups. So rather than multiple rounds, lets just get the heck out of here and go get a rock.

The Thang 2: Line up. What’s the event? 10 Overhead, 10 BBS, 10 Press, Bearcrawl 2 trees (20 yards-ish), mosey back. That’s 1. YHC sets a timer (again, 8 minutes. But don’t tell anyone). Go. OYO. Timer finishes, line everyone up by how many laps they got done (Bogey, FastTax, Vagabond and Hand Gernada led with 7). (one brief pause for 5 Hawg-Burpees as punishment for mocking the Q)

Lets do it again – the winner of each group gets to watch the losers do burpees. YHC sets a timer again (4 mins this time). FastTax, BooBoo, LeftCoast and someone from the “other-side-of-the-fence” group were the winners. Everyone else got to do 5 RevSox Burpees.

Overall, that one worked pretty well. Some room for improvement, though.

The Thang 3: OK, this one didn’t work. I hesitate to write it. But it happened. Partner up. PAX 1 does *whatever PAX 1 wants*. PAX 2 mirrors it. 90 seconds, then flipflop. The idea is to challenge our awareness, responsiveness, agility. Rougarou nailed it with a weird Irish clog dance that Hawg desperately tried to follow. War Eagle seemed to take it to mean “Can I just stand here?” which is, technically, allowed.

This one didn’t work so well. But YHC will adjust and try it again one day. Be warned.

Mosey back to the flag (3 mins late…)

NMM: Thanks, Vagabond, for sharing a story of forgiveness. Good reminder for each of us to avoid holding grudges. Reach out to those we may have hurt, or those who have hurt us. Offer forgiveness. Bring ourselves to feel the forgiveness in our heart, even when our brain is not ready to.

One comment

  1. Hawgcycle

    Great workout. Couple of clarifying points:
    1. Iwas leading the Irish clog/Hillybilly Howdown, making Rougarou‘a agility even more impressive.
    2. I was not mocking the Q. Simply observing and criticizing. You must admit that your shoulder press form improved after my observation.

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