Afternoon Delight! 4-14-2021 – from Almonaster
Afternoon Delight! 4-14-2021 – from Almonaster

Afternoon Delight! 4-14-2021 – from Almonaster

PAX:Subprime, Almonaster

Accept the Weather!


– Subprime
– Almonaster

Mosey to Audubon Tea Room.


SSH – 20 IC
Arm Circles -10 IC
Reverse Arm Circles – 10 IC
Imperial Walkers – 10 IC
Balance on 1 foot for 10 seconds – Each Foot
Grass Grabbers – 10 IC
Windmills – 10 IC
Mountain Climbers – 10 IC

The Thang:

Mosey to overhang by theStatue.

Big Boy Situps – 10 IC
Decline Merkins – 10 IC
Squats – 10 IC
Rinse and Repeat

Take a lap to Magazine and back.

Incline Merkins – 10 IC
Right Leg Step-ups – 10 IC
Dips – 10 IC
Left Leg Step-ups – 10 IC
Rinse and Repeat

Take a lap to Magazine and back..

Alternating Lunges – 10, 2 is 1 OYO
Freddie Mercury’s – 20 2 is 1 OYO
Jump Squats – 10 OYO

Take a lap to Magazine and back to the Tea Room.

LBC’s – 40 OYO
Flutter kicks – 20, 2 is 1 OYO
Russian Twists (Douilles) – 20, 2 is 1 OYO
Burpees – 10 OYO
Dying Cockroach – 40 1 is 1.
Big Boy Situps – 20 OYO

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Thanks for the opportunity to Lead!