Washed 30 at the Renaissance – from DAX
Washed 30 at the Renaissance – from DAX

Washed 30 at the Renaissance – from DAX


Saturday turned out to be a beautiful day, and with my house now fully vaccinated, we decided to have dinner out at a local restaurant (remember those!). Had a delicious but heavier than expected meal, drank more than expected, but this is New Orleans and we’re here for a good time, not a long time. Knowing I had to Q the next day, I wrapped up everything at 6pm. I am washed. It gets better, I fell asleep at 8pm while putting my kid to bed- only to wake up at midnight to take an antacid and remember I was Q’ing tomorrow. Yeah Washed.
M then suggested, “why don’t you just take something you’ve done before and adjust it?” proving once again why I am fortunate to be married to her.
I knew our regular Renaissance squad would be repping F3 at GrowRuck in San Antonio. With two PAX posting on Sunday morning we were ready to hold down our Alamo in front of NOMA. In the spirit of those guys all carrying 30lb weights in their packs we completed most all of the following exercises with reps of 30.
Warm up- all x30 unless noted
Abe Vigoda
Forward Arm Circles x 15
Reverse Arm Circles x15
Dying Cockroach
Peter Parker
Parker Peters
With Warmup wrapped up, PAX moseyed to the Great Lawn for:
Four Corners Escalator
1st exercise in one corner, run to the next.
Burpees x 10
Merkins x 20
LSS x 30
LBCs x 40
After the 4th corner, PAX completed another set, this time working down the ladder. Running to a new corner and then:
LBCs x 40
LSS x 30
Merkins x 30
Burpees x 10
Mosey to Roosevelt Mall for
Route 66– Jump Squats
Taking advantage of the concrete benches on Roosevelt Mall, PAX ran up one side of Roosevelt Mall with Jump Squats until the 11th Bench, PAX then ran down Roosevelt Mall to the back of NOMA for:
Sunday Mornings
10 Air Presses in the peoples chair, followed by 5 donkey kicks, on the 5th donkey kick up to Balls to the Wall with one merkin/shoulder press. That’s one. Complete 5 total, with an extra if you finish early!
Count off and Name-O-Rama, intentions and closed with a prayer.
Always a good day when we start with F3.
100% attendance at Coffeteria.