Swole Fest Season a-coming – from Thumb War
Swole Fest Season a-coming – from Thumb War

Swole Fest Season a-coming – from Thumb War

QIC:Thumb War
PAX:Bay Watch, FNG (Brown Out)


Arm circles front IC x 10
Arm Circles back IC x 10
Mountain Climbers IC x 15
Hillbillies IC x 15
Self love IC x 10
grass grabbers IC x 10
SSH x 15

Big Thang DIEGO with playlist https://open.spotify.com/playlist/55D15Y3SdrOaTuiOxVFaeN?si=oyoNW8GKQEOLu2G8-t9cHQ

Partner Up – P1 Run to the bridge, while P2 starts
100 overhead presses
150 chest presses
200 LBC (no block)
250 Block Curls
300 Squats with block

Pax finished in about 20 mins

Alternating Step ups – 10 each side total of 20

30 calf raises on the parking lot bumpers

1 Ring of Fire with push ups and planks

Still had time to kill so at Kuch’s suggestion, Pax
jogged to Foundry for a Quarter Murph

Circled up Mary:
Freddy Mercurys IC
Hello Dollys 10 IC
Dealer’s choice Catfish Leg Raises 15 IC

COT where we named FNG Brown Out.

Enjoyed leading on this beautiful cool morning in City Park!