Acronyms, Blockees and Bears Oh My! – from Fracsac
Acronyms, Blockees and Bears Oh My! – from Fracsac

Acronyms, Blockees and Bears Oh My! – from Fracsac

PAX:Abacus, Baywatch, Catfish, Fracsac, Kuch, Mallcop, Mama’s Pride, Pop-Tart, Saban, Snooze, Backed Up

10 Pax made a choice to take the DRP on their journey to get right and posted to Swolefest wondering what awesomeness YHC had in store. With each Pax possessing a coupon, a shovel flag planted, disclaimer was given, then:


SSH IC x 31
GG IC x 10
Hillbillies IC x 15
Bat wings with AC, SC, OHC, MNC all IC x 15 (dancing during Moroccan NC)
Self Love to shake it all off

Mosey to the parking lot with a little extra room for a real #CrowdPleaser

COP 1 – Block Webbs!
1 Merkin on Coupon, followed by 2 block presses
2 merkins, 4 block presses, so forth and so on until 10 merkins and 20 block presses.

Blockees x 10 (Manmaker, aka burpee with a block)
Run across the street to the cones and bear crawl the 20 yard course, run back.
Overhead presses x 20
Bear Crawl course
Merkins on the coupon x 30
Bear Crawl course
Bicep Curls x 40
Bear Crawl course
Squats x 50
Bear Crawl course

Blockees x 5 (Manmaker, aka burpee with a block)
Bear Crawl course
Lunges x 10 w/o coupon
Bear Crawl course
Imperial Walkers x 15 w/o coupon
Bear Crawl course
Merkins x 20 w/o coupon
Bear Crawl course
Plank Jacks x 25 on Coupon
Bear Crawl course
Squats x 30 with Coupon
Bear Crawl course

All finished and then completed a 1 minute plank



-YHC saw an opening at Swolefest and took the Q! What a great group of Pax! Sign up and bring some heat! YHC brought some simple stuff, yet none of it was easy!
-It’s great to travel to various AO’s and see other Pax! We even had a surprise visit from Pop Tart while out moseying with the dog. He stopped for some merkins and then disappeared into the gloom….
-Coffeteria at the newly reopened PJ’s on Metry Road with Pax from the View.

Thanks for the opportunity to be a part of this awesome brotherhood!