Nothing Little About This League
Nothing Little About This League

Nothing Little About This League

PAX:Baby Yoda, Gilligan, Amnesia, Bird, Tanked Up, Turbo, DJ Jose 10K, Barely Legal, Shooter, Splice, Akbar, Hammer, BBQ, Bushwhacker, Maverick, Speedy Gonzales

YHC braved the chilly, chilly temps of the Saturday morn’ gloom and managed to sweat despite the dip in the thermometer.

YHC was met early by a self-admittedly “tired” Bushwhacker, who still managed to dig up old memories of Saved by the Bell. We were so excited, so excited, so scared to get started, but once we did, a PAX of 18 joined us for a beatdown centered around a baseball diamond.

Warmup (most in cadence)

Seal jacks

Arm circles

Toe touches

High Knees

Cherry pickers

Imperial Walkers

Da’ Thing

After “warming” up, YHC asked the PAX to really stretch their brain and remember their number for a rock to the park, a mosey that was intermittently halted to perform a 10 count of the lucky number’s choosing. Sensing Zoolander struggling to remember “15”, YHC called his number first, followed mostly by odd numbers (see how that worked to remember them, Tanked Up?). Good mix of work, including burpees, shoulder tap/merkin combos, leg raises, various squats, freak nasties, mountain climbers, etc.

Main Event

YHC really asked for an extra effort by asking the PAX to remember ANOTHER number from 1 to 4 to break into 4 groups to work their way around a little league diamond in 5 “innings” of work. Each group started at a base, and completed the reps for that base, moving to the next for the next portion of the inning, until all 4 bases were touched, comprising the “inning”.

1st base – 5 reps each (Innings 1-5 were Burpees, 8 count body builders, T merkins, Diamond merkins, Burpees, respectively)

2nd base – 10 reps each (Innings 1-5: Apollo Onos, Sister Mary Catherine’s, Makhtar N’diayes, side squats, Monkey humpers)

3rd base – 15 reps each (Innings 1-5: Jump squats, George Thoroughgoods, Suicide Squats, Peter Parkers, Crab Cakes)

Home – 20 reps each (Innings 1-5: LBCs, 6 inch drill, Leg raises, Crunchy Frogs, Wife Pleasers)

Between base mode of transportation? Back pedals, Karaokes, Murder Bunnies (quickly becoming a favorite of YHC), Bear Crawls.

A mosey back to the flag with a few other 10 reps mixed in wrapped up the beatdown.

Count off, name-o-rama, announcements, COT closed us out.

An ever present thank you to everyone for posting and always supporting me and each other.