New Year’s Day
NNeeww YYeeaarrss DDaayy

New Year’s Day

QIC:Jose 10k
PAX:JoseJ10k , barely legal, bean, bordtanked up, cho choTurbo, Tax, Moby, Grover, ackbar, shooter, Bushwacker, bbq, hammer, pickaxe,

16 men arrived at the top of the A1C, some still waking up from late night festivities. 7:00 o’clock and the workout started. SSH, grass grabbers, ic, 20, then 21….get it?!?!? Self love, t stretches (ackbar and Bushwacker favs) . We moseyed to the corner for the repeat of the first F3 beatdown. Our motification was the lap, down the stairs and then up through the parking garage. Then we did a Dora, meridians, squats, and lbcs 100, 200, 300 while partner two pick pocketed across the parking lot, and jogged back (a waterpik created exercise). Then we finished with some Mary, no crunchy frogs cowbell. COT then turbo prayed us out. Then off to bbqs for a great breakfast and a great F2 opportunity. Thanks for allowing me to lead on such a beautiful morning.