Veterans Day originally was known as Armistice Day. Hostilities between Allied and German forces in World War I officially ceased at 1100 on November 11, 1918. Appropriate enough, 11 PAX gathered in the Gloom this morning at The Gipper to remember our Veterans.
After a warmup of 11 Seal Jacks, 11 Imperial Walkers, 11 Toe Touches, 19 Side Straddle Hops, and 18 Overhead Hand Claps, all IC, the PAX mosied to the front of the St. Tammany Parish Emergency Operations Center where our Parish’s WWI Memorial stands. We circled up around the flagpole there for five rounds of T Merkins, Prisoner Squats, Flutter Kicks, Front to Back Lunges, Hello Dolly, Airplanes and Shoulder Taps.
11 reps IC on the first round, 11 reps IC on the second round, 11 reps IC on the third round, 19 reps IC on the fourth round and of course 18 rounds IC on the fifth round.
Between rounds, the PAX bear crawled about 20 yards to the Operations Center ramp which kinda sorta resembles a trench. We lunged walked up the ramp and then returned to our circle for the next round.
We headed back to the shovel flag after our last round for the COT with Grover leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance and Moby praying us out.
God bless all of our Veterans. Please help us always remember the sacrifices that they and their families made for our Country.