Coffee & Donuts (Birthday) Q
Coffee & Donuts (Birthday) Q

Coffee & Donuts (Birthday) Q

PAX:Bogey, Rev Sox, Jingle Vader, Fracsac, Rougarou, Vanilla, Double Fudge, Vagabond, Thumb War, Rudy, Hand Grenada, Jake from State Farm, Fast Tax, Scantron


39 workouts
39 seconds each (29 seconds on/10 seconds off, no other breaks)

4 rounds of the following:
Catalina Wine Mixers
Wife Pleasers
Inch Worm Pushups
Plank Jacks
Leg Raises
Shoulder Taps
Flutter Kicks
Back Kicks (skip this on fourth round)

All done to the backdrop of this playlist:

This left us with about 18 minutes to play some Ultimate Frisbee. But not just any Ultimate. One where the Q got to make up rules as we went, including playing with two frisbees and anything else needed to give his team a slight edge. No one should have been shocked that the Q’s team won.

Being my birthday and moved by the fact that the PAX presence was my present, I felt the favor must be returned. Fresh Coffee and Donuts were served after the prayer, and a good time was had by all.