Wally Run AFTER the train passes
Wally Run AFTER the train passes

Wally Run AFTER the train passes

QIC:Hokie Pokey
PAX:Boo Boo, FracSac, Hobbs, Triple Shift, War Eagle

As 0530 approached, so did a train… at the recommendation of War Eagle we moseyed to the track to run loops (1/2 mile) until the train passed in case any Pax were caught by the train.

After two loops, the train passed, and FracSac was stuck behind the train, so great call War Eagle!

We then proceeded on the regular Wally Run route and finished with another loop of the track for an additional 3.51 miles.

Circled for count, name, announcements and prayers.

Thanks as always for the opportunity to share my morning with my F3 brothers