Here, We Run!
Here, We Run!

Here, We Run!

QIC:War Eagle
PAX:Fracsac, Triple Shift, Rev Sox, Boo Boo, Rudy, Tool, War Eagle

Since the Wally Run started, we have had a consistent number of individuals show up each week. Today, seven men appeared in the gloom. Rudy and Tool, two first-timers at the Wally Run, appeared with one question, “So, what do we usually do here?” The answer is simple, “Here, we run!” And run we did.

The usual bunch of Wally Runners led the treck for our usual Thursday morning run. Runners completed between 4.4 miles – 4.75 miles. T-claps to Rudy and Rev Sox for leading the pax and completing 4.75 miles. T-claps to Triple Shift and Boo Boo, you guys are slowly proving you are runners. T-claps to Fracsac for pushing yourself and me further than we wanted to go. Tool, hope to see you more often!

Finished with LBCs X 42

COT – Prayers for Triple’s wife, a family in Harahan who lost their house in a fire, and all of those struggling this holiday season.

As always, it was a pleasure to lead!