The Three Caballeros
The Three Caballeros

The Three Caballeros

QIC:Rev Sox
PAX:Tua, Two Yutes

We’re three caballeros
Three gay caballeros
They say we are birds of a feather
We’re happy amigos

No matter where Rev goes
The one, two, and three goes
We’re always together

We’re three happy chappies
With snappy serapes
You can run how you want if
You run around Pontiff

We’re cold as a ice-o
Who says so? We say so!
The three caballeros


We have the stars to guide us
As we stroll down Duplessis
Take a right on Friedrichs

Tua sings and he samba
Two Yutes shout ‘aye caramba!
Rev Sox is the bomba
Oh I don’t think so

Through fair and stormy weather
We stand close together
Like books on a shelf

Rev Sox leads down Nassau
Tua tries to dash off
Two Yutes speaks of babies
These are three handsome daddies

We have the stars to guide us
Park Road is behind us
To run as we go

Tua sings and he samba
Two Yutes shout ‘aye caramba!
Rev Sox is the bomba
Oh I don’t think so

– or the Pax ran 4.6 miles in 44 minutes.