5 Card Studs
5 Card Studs

5 Card Studs

PAX:Bogey, Hand Grenada, Kenner Brah, Marlin, Rudy, Scam Newton, Scantron, Tanner, The Undertaker, Tua, Walleye, Hawgcycle

Conditions:  Dry, 48 degrees

Warm-up:  Jog to the Rock Pile; SSH x 20; Peter Parkers x 20; Low Slow Squats x 20; Parker Peters x 20; Windmills x 10; Dying Cockroaches x 20; Arm Circles x 20; 8-count Body Builders x 12

The Thang:

Grab a Rock and Circle Up for a progression of Shoulder Presses, Curls, Rows, and Squats.  10 reps the first round, straight into 8 reps the 2nd round, then 6, 4, and 2.  No breaks to put down the rock.

Take your rocks to the track for some Poker.

Prior to the workout, the Bogé helped me strategically place a bench roughly 30 yards from the end line.  We divided up into 4 teams of 3.  One man bear crawled to the bench, retrieved a playing card from the deck and jogged back to his team, this continued until each team had a hand of 5 cards.  While one team member was bear crawling to get the next card, the other two team members performed 20 perfect merkins and planked.    

5 Card Stud-ish – Each team was allowed to discard one card and draw again.  That way everyone got to bear crawl twice.  Each team could fold or play.  The penalty for folding was 10 burpees.  The penalty for playing and losing was 15 burpees.  Tua, Hand Grenada, and Scantron won the first hand with three of a kind (Jokers wild).  They shuffled the deck while the rest of us did burpees.

5 Card Draw – Hand is dealt with bear crawls again.  This time rock chest presses in lieu of merkins.  As many as you can until the bear returns.  Each team was allowed to discard as many cards as they like, with a penalty of 5 eight count body builders for each discard.  Each team member ran to the bench, discarded, paid the penalty, drew to a full hand and ran back.  Same penalties for folding and losing.  Rudy, Tanner, and the Undertaker won with a straight. 

Grab the rocks and head back to the rock pile and on to the flag for COT.


  • Not sure that Marlin checked the weather.  He looked underdressed for temps in the 40s.  Looked like he had no more than 3 layers on. 
  • Scantron made up for Marlin’s lack of clothing. 
  • Kenna Brah was appropriately shamed for being late, but Marlin not so much.
  • I was 100% positive that Hand Grenada, Tua, and Scantron were going to stack the deck after their first victory.  I was ashamed of myself after seeing how bad their second hand was. 
  • I blame my mistrust of Hand Grenada on my raising.  Being from Arkansas, you develop a superiority complex and automatically think you’ve been cheated if someone from Mississippi beats you.  The fact that we are 49th in every meaningful ranking is ingrained in us from an early age and celebrated at every opportunity.  Hopefully time spent with Hand Grenada will chip away at this deep rooted prejudice. 
  • If you enjoyed the Round of Poker, go to the Mothership on Saturday.  It’s likely Rudy will steal my idea.