Great Idea – Let’s Bear Crawl up Roosevelt Mall!
Great Idea – Let’s Bear Crawl up Roosevelt Mall!

Great Idea – Let’s Bear Crawl up Roosevelt Mall!

Nice fall weather greeted 12 PAX for the beatdown at the Foundry. When the blackberry beeped signaling 5:30am, YHC issued the disclaimer and off we went.

We started with a short mosey to the round-a-bout for high-knees, and carioca left and carioca right around the neutral ground. PAX circled up in the grass area of the neutral ground for warm-ups including SSH x 18, Imperial Walkers x 18, Windmills x 14, Arm Circles, Grass Grabbers x 14, and Self-love.

Thang 1 – YHC wanted to do something that had not been done before at the Foundry so we decided to incorporate bear crawls up Roosevelt Mall to the new Louisiana Children’s Museum. We met at the light post near the flag and PAX would alternate bear crawl and sprint between each of the 15 light posts from the flag to the Louisiana Children’s Museum. At each light post, each PAX does 10 Monkey Humpers. We did have to watch out for land mines when bear crawling – sorry @Dirty Dell.

Thang 2 – PAX circled up near the benches by the Louisiana Children’s Museum for 1 minute AMRAP of the following exercises, alternating Mary and other. Dips, LBC’s, Incline Merkins, Flutter kicks, Step-ups, Freddie Mercury’s, Decline Merkins, and Plank.

Thang 3 – With about 10 minutes to get back to the flag we started from the far end of Roosevelt Mall and alternated lunge walk and sprint between each of the 15 light posts up Roosevelt Mall. At each light post, each PAX does 10 Merkins. We got through about 10 light posts and sprinted back to the flag for 6:15.

PAX circled up for count-off, name-o-rama, intentions, and closing prayer to Sky Q – I am grateful for the support of F3 Nation and the opportunity to lead. @High Rise – thanks for the heads up on the Q this week as I had not checked the Q sheet.