“This isn’t The Stomp!”
“This isn’t The Stomp!”

“This isn’t The Stomp!”

QIC:War Eagle
PAX:War Eagle, Hokey Pokey, Tua, Boo Boo, Pai Gow, Hobbs, Rev Sox

YHC arrived early for round two of the Wally Run. This week seven men arrived early to stretch and begin the run. YHC announced we would complete a three-mile loop through the neighborhood and finish with some work on the track.

The seven fearless Pax members started off down the Pontiff track. A ¼ of a mile through the run, a dark shadowy figure approached. It was as strong as an ox, sneaky as a snake, and quick as a cheetah. It was the man, the myth, the legend—it was Hawgcycle! The eight men together completed the run and finished on the track. Some incorporated sprints, others simply kept running.

At 6:10, the wannabe Q, Rev Sox stopped running to include Mary. YHC questioned such a decision. Rev Sox said, “At The Stomp, we always do Mary at the end.” Well, Reverend Sox, “This isn’t The Stomp!” But, YHC obliged and concluded with LBCs, Flutter Kicks, and Reverse Crunches.

T-claps to Hokey Pokey. He was hesitant to try the three-mile loop but endured and finished. T-claps to Boo Boo. He expressed multiple times that he was not a runner but he came and completed the run anyway. T-claps to Rev Sox, Pai Gow, and Hobbs for constantly sweeping the six. T-claps to Tua and Hawg –we all want to be like you when we grow-up!


It was a pleasure to lead. Join us every Thursday at Pontiff for the Wally Run. You won’t be disappointed.