Great > Good
Great > Good

Great > Good

PAX:Tugboat, Shuffles, Kuch, Screwtop, Pop Tart, Abacus, Gideon, High Rise, Kool Aid Man, Tool

“Don’t let good enough get in the way of greatness. That just means come back to work on Monday ready to go. Still lots of ways we can improve.” -Joe Burrow

A victorious weekend of football on 10/12 & 10/13 made for lots of happy PAX this past Monday morning at The Chamber. The Saints pounced the Jaguars, LSU took a rather large bite out of the Gators, and Tulane rolled over The Huskies….great motivation to start the week off with a bang. YHC felt a football themed workout would only be fitting. The goal was to use good form and really push through….do more than just go through the motions, something many of us can often be guilty off. Ten PAX posted, surprisingly not the hangover rate one may expect after such a weekend. Here’s what we did:

Warmup: Capri Lap around the parking lot, dodging some unusual early morning traffic, followed by a quick COP with SSH x42 (LSU points/score), IW x13 (Saints), and headed to the curb for Rocky Balboas x49 ea leg (Tulane). Then Burpees x10 to give a shout out to the defenses that all had a stout week.

Then grabbed some 8x8x8 “half blocks” (20lbs) that YHC had in the truck, and made our way to the field where cones were positioned for some 4 rounds aka “quarters” of 5 minute long partner circuits.

1st Quarter: Lunge walk w/block overhead to cone while PAX#2 performs merkins till fatigue followed by planking. Flip flop for five min.

2nd Quarter: Tricep extetension w/block while PAX#2 crab walks to cone and runs back. Flip flop for five min.

Halftime: Some attempts at a Coach O pep talk, then Indian run (.4mi) down Elysian Fields toward the lake followed by a quick Mary COP. a run back at your own pace with tire flips x5 and burpees x5 when back at the starting area.

3rd Quarter: One hand block curls while PAX #2 bear crawls to the cone and runs back. Flip flop for five min.

4th Quarter: Everyone’s favorite, Thrusters!, while PAX#2 backpedals to the cone, knocks out 3 burpees, then runs back. Flip flop for five min.

COT and BOM to seal the deal….strive for greatness, prayers for the Hard Rock victims. Nice to see The Chamber with a strong foothold and steady following of PAX. Let’s keep it going.
