A walk in the park
A walk in the park

A walk in the park

PAX:Hokie Pokey, RevSox, BooBoo, KennerBrah, Dodger/FNG, TwoYutes, Darkwing Duck, Tua, Kuch

10 pax including an FNG arrived for a post iron pax beatdown that had hints of IP worked in, but for this hardened group, would be nothing short of a walk in the park.  This was YHC’s first opportunity to not only Q at Popeyes, but also do a standard non- IP workout.  


Mosey to steepest hill after some of the experienced Popeye group pointed us in the right direction. 

Arm circles – 10 x front and backwards 

Mountain climbers x 12

Shoulder taps x 10

Foot to alternating hand touch in plank x 10 each foot/hand

Grass grabbers x 10

Windmills x 10

The thang – 

  • 11’s on hill – top/burpees, bottom/diamond merkins

Run to exercise playground for 2 rounds of the following:

  • 4 stations 
  • Pull-ups, close grip merkins in first round and wide grip merkins in 2nd round, deep squats, calf raises
  • 45 seconds each w/ 10 second break in between sets

Run through the center of the park and stopped at the gazebo 

  • 20 dips led by Boo-Boo
  • 15 V-ups led by Tua

Moseyed back to flag and arrived at 6:15 on the dot.  

COT – count-off, name-o-Rama where FNG/Dodger was born, announcements and intentions.  Special intentions offered for Bellhop, and thanks for the positive results of Tua’s wife’s ultrasound.  

Thanks for posting and the opportunity to lead. SYITG!