Saints Outlast Cowboys on SNF Thanks to Sweaty Bells – Final 12-10
Saints Outlast Cowboys on SNF Thanks to Sweaty Bells – Final 12-10

Saints Outlast Cowboys on SNF Thanks to Sweaty Bells – Final 12-10

QIC:King Kong
PAX:Douille, Gabrielle, Jingle Vader, Squeal, King Kong (QIC)

YHC woke up early with excitement because 1.) YHC hasn’t Q’ed a Sweaty Bells workout for awhile and 2.) YHC was ready to tailgate and make his way to the Superdome. YHC would have never guessed that the Saints would win on SNF with just 4 field goals, which total to 12 points. Turned out 12 was a significant number for the day. At 6:30 a.m., YHC gave his standard disclaimer and headed toward the middle of the soccer field.

Warm Ups

Arm Circles x 10 IC, Grass Grabbers x 10 IC, SSHs x 20 IC, Hill Billies x 20 IC, Swinging the kettle bells between the legs in figure 8 x 5 in each direction, Halo with the bells 5 times clockwise and 5 times counterclockwise.

Dirty MacDeuce (12)

Definition of Dirty MacDeuce – 4 sets of 3 exercises done to 12 4-count reps. Each set has one chest exercise, one leg exercise and one core exercise. After each set of three exercises, you run a lap of a track or whatever else is handy (which would be the soccer field)

With a little modifying since we were using the kettle bells for our exercises…. and we also did Indian run around the field for our last lap.

1st Set – 12 curls IC, 12 big boy sit-ups OYO, 12 low slow squats IC.

2nd Set – 12 thrusters OYO, 12 flutterkicks IC, 12 lunges OYO.

3rd Set – 12 kettle bell swings OYO, 12 hello dollies IC, 12 genuflects IC

4th Set – 12 Rows on each side OYO, 12 American Hammers IC, 12 right and left leg step ups IC at the benches on the sideline of the soccer field.

There are a lot 12’s in there. Some voodoo must be happening at the Fly this morning predicting the outcome of Saints final score. 4 sets x 3 exercises = 12 exercises or 4 fgs x 3 points = 12 points. I’m trying to not freak out here. Maybe I should Q a Dirty MacThirty next time so that the Saints will score 30 points.

After Dirty MacDeuce, we did 12 (why not) dips IC before our final part of the beatdown.

11’s (not 10’s)

Definition of 11s – An exercise in which you start with 1 rep of one exercise and 10 reps of another exercise, then add one additional rep to the first exercise and subtract one rep from the second. The sum must always add up to 11. So our exercises were to start off with 10 thrusters on one end of the soccer field and 1 merkin on the other side. I guess I was going to predict the Cowboys score here, but I gave them too much credit and overshot the prediction by one.

Final Score – Saints 12 Cowboys 10.

What a great day for the Saints fans. But more importantly, what a great way to start a beautiful day with the PAX. Keep pushing each other to be mentally and physically stronger. We finished the workout with some stretches, announcements, and intentions. 4 of the 5 PAX were able to attend coffeeteria afterwards. Once again, thanks for the opportunity to lead. SYITG.

King Kong