It’s All About The Legs
It’s All About The Legs

It’s All About The Legs

QIC:Organ Grinder

6 Pax showed up on a cool Tuesday morning. Disclaimer was given and repeated several times so we didn’t have a repeat of what happened on Friday (See BB)

Mosey over to Loyola for Warm up

SSH x 20

  • Self Love x 10 (Some guy named “Yankee” showed up)
  • Grass Grabbers x 10 (Lots of Mumble chatter from Yankee)
  • Mountain Climber x 20 (Finally some silence)
  • Peter Parker x 20
  • Arm Circles x 10 Backward
  • Arm Circles x 10

Mosey to WPM. Backward run up the incline. Forward run when level. Stopped at every level for a 2:00 static hold. Pax were told they can stop whenever they want if they do burpees to finish out the 2:00

  • 1st level plank
  • 2nd level wall sit
  • 3rd level flutter kicks
  • 4th level Al Gores (Mumble chatter from JV saying things like “It’s all about the legs apparently” and “So much for getting a FULL body workout)
  • 5th level forearm plank

Down the stairs and over to the Tulane quad.

  • Wilt Chamberlains 100 LBCs
  • 100 yard (ish) run
  • 100 Real Freddie Mercuries
  • 100 yard (ish) run
  • Repeat cycle but with 50 of each exercise
  • 10 Burpees OYO

Mosey to flag

Announcements: Please stay hydrated and always make sure you are not overworking yourself. Update contact list on Q sheet and include ICE numbers. Brown Bag said that beer is a great recovery drink… then something about new releases

Intentions Yankee’s Family, Hollygrove

Thanks for letting me lead!