You Better Have Glaucoma
You Better Have Glaucoma

You Better Have Glaucoma

PAX:Abacus, Backup, Bread Sticks, Breifs, Da Parish, High Rise, Hobbs, Hokie Pokie, Jingle Vader, Kuch, Mahatma, OTC, Pop Tart, Room Service, Shuffles, Surge, Swiss Miss, Tanner, Uncle Rico, Uncle Si, Undertaker, Woz, Hawgcycle

Conditions: 79 Degrees, 90% Humidity, Heat Index of 83

Lots of good grass at Okwata and a fair amount of smoking this morning.


Mandatory mosey through Louisiana’s smallest registered body of water, the sidewalk puddle just east of the shovel flag. It was good to get the shoes wet from the start so that there would be no worries about anything that might come later. We circled the Mardis Gras Fountain (where are the lights Latoya?) with high knees, carioca two ways, but kicks, and bear crawls.

We then headed up the levee and proceeded west on the top of the levee. I almost ran over a local Shaman in Sukhasana. It would be helpful if all local Shaman wore blinking bicycle lights for safety.

After destroying that dude’s Chi we pointlessly gathered on the leeward side of the levee. I was hoping to find some well manicured grass, but there was none to be found. So we planked for the six and headed back over the levee.

The Thang

11s on the levee. Burpees at the top Squat Jumps at the bottom. After you finish, run back up with anyone more than a lap behind you.

10! – 10 merkins, 10 squats, 10 Sit-ups, 9 merkins, 9 squats,….1 merkin, 1 squat, 1 Sit-up

House of Pain – Three lines at the pull-up bars. Each man does Bernie Sanders (L-hang on pull up bar for as long as you can), 30 dips, then go to the back of the line and do BLIMPS until you get back to the pull up bar. We did 2 rounds.

Quadraphilia – 4 minutes up and down the levee always facing the lake #CrowdPleaser

Mary – LBCs x 20, Flutter Kicks x 15


Announcements: Extra Summer Series at Lafreniere. Anyone want to lead? 5-year Convergence 10/12 – Start working on your buddies that have been AWOL. New Monday Workout at UNO – Post this coming Monday.

Prayers: Spouse facing surgery, Friends and Relatives with cancer, Praise for new grandchildren, prayers for those that have recently lost loved ones.


  • Great to be back at Okwata. My odd race preparations have derailed my Okwata attendance over the past year, but it is still one of my favorite AOs. Glad Mahatma asked me to fill in for him.
  • Speaking of odd running habits, the Half-Fast running club sauntered by while we were at the House of Pain and gave me a serious case of #FOMO. They were running way too fast. I’m not going to be able to keep up when I return. It’s like a couple of new kids showed up to school when you were absent and the next day you no longer have a seat at the lunch table.
  • I still believe you haven’t really done 11s until you’ve done them on the levee at Okwata with burpees. Are you diggin’ me Uptown? River < Lake.
  • Usually time flies when you are having fun, but this seemed like an extra long 45 minutes. May have been the trip to the flag at the 15 minute mark that did a number on my cognitive functioning.
  • According to MapMyRun this workout was 3.8% more intense than my Popeye’s Q last week. #Acceleration
  • Mumblechatter award of the day goes to……JV the all-time champ. During Quadraphilia:
    • Me (in my Rah-Rah voice): C’mon men, you can do anything for four minutes!
    • JV: My wife would disagree.
  • T-claps to Room Service for leading us out with Flutter Kicks.
  • Happy Birthday Dad!