Wisner Bridge, with a side of Burpees
Wisner Bridge, with a side of Burpees

Wisner Bridge, with a side of Burpees


Good morning, rise and shine! YHC usually opens the Stomp with a Disclaimer and “The Usual”. But with lots of creativity at 610 Stomp of late (#TClaps to Kuch, FracSac and others who find new ways to liven up our early morning run!), YHC needed to try and think of something at least a wee bit different…

Right, right. The Wisner Bridge. Our city’s version of “Hill Workout”. Yup, lets do it.

So – after the disclaimer, and a reminder to everyone of directions to the bridge (go Left, not Right) – we were off. Run to the bridge (about a mile), then back and forth over it (each pass is just under half mile) until its time to come home (another mile). And just for fun – lets throw in 5 burpees after each pass.

Shuffles (missing his running pal Smooth already) tried to stay back with the pack, but couldn’t help himself. Jumping to the front with Swiss Miss, they proceeded to go right (not left), disappearing in the gloom – only to reappear much later at the bridge.

At the bridge, Dirty Dell and Briefs set the pace. Back and forth they went. Several “Good Mornings” – to dog walkers, other runners, other PAX. This would be a dangerous way for the Frac GM run. YHC was blinded on each pass by the approaching glow of the Surge Special outfit. That’s a lot of day-glo yellow.

Nearing 6am, time to get the PAX together again at the foot of the bridge. YHC makes it to the bottom to find Ya Mom’n’dem and Pop Tart sitting around, apparently looking for some donuts and a cigarette or something to pass the time. More Burpees for them, YHC calls out. So PAX start burpeeing. And burpeeing. And burpeeing. While Hawg and Rev-Sox (closely watching their heart rate, apparently) saunter down the final hill.

Mosey back to the flag for a round of Mary, before closing with our count-off, Name-o-rama, and send everyone off to start the day with St. Ignatius Prayer for Generosity.