Wakin’ & Bakin’
Wakin’ & Bakin’

Wakin’ & Bakin’

PAX:Yankee, Gabby & Douille

With the HNJ Dads at fantasy camp & a farewell to Smooth at Renaissance, only three PAX were up for Sweaty Bells this morning. Nonetheless the beat down must go on.

Disclaimer (no FNGs) and a warm-up of SSH x10 without Gabby as he rolled in hot. Arm-circles x10 both ways, grass grabbers x10, halos x10 both ways & around the back x10 again both ways.

First COP: Side Lunge R with kettle-bell press x10 then L x10, POP & curls x10 OYO, Swings x5, R rows x5, Swings x5, L rows X5 then repeat swing/row sequence.

Bear crawls moving the kettle-bell with right arm halfway across soccer field then left arm back.

Second COP: Sumo squat to inverted row x10, Rotations on knees x10, Shoulder press right arm on right knee x10, Rotations on knees x10, shoulder press left arm on left knee x10

5 swings, throw kettle-bell then frog hop to kettle-bell repeat across field. Crab walk backwards moving kb with R arm back to other end of field.

Third COP: Squats x10, Chest Presses x10, thrusters x10, Squat hold with kb presses x10, Squat to curls x10

Crab walk backwards moving kb with L arm then walk back.

Fourth COP: POP & curls x10, Squat jumps to curls x10, Overhead press x10, Squat hold with curls x10, Tea pots R & L x10

Mary: RT with an evil overhead press during each rotation x10, LBCx with KBs x15 & Flutters with KBs x20

A very small COT for the count-off, name-o-rama & prayer.

P.S. drink mushroom coffee if you forget your keys