Okwata in the Fall
Okwata in the Fall

Okwata in the Fall

PAX:Triple Shift, Rudy, Hokie Pokey, Oops!, Smooth, MmmBop, Briefs, Dirty Dell, Tanner, Hobbs, Ya Mom'n Dem, High Rise, Half Nelson, Colonel Mustard, Abacus, Screw Top, Surge, Breadsticks, Jingle Vader, Undertaker, Woz

Or at least it felt that way. The 22 PAX present were treated to 71 degrees and a beautiful sunrise this morning. They were also treated to: LEG DAY. (After Screw Top’s beatdown the previous day, YHC was in no mood for Merkins or Burpees)

Mosey to the center of the intersection no one ever uses (possibly because we are in it) for

  • Mountain climbers
  • Scorpion kicks
  • SSH
  • Arm Circles
  • Hill Billies
  • All x20

Split into 2 groups for the second running of the Single Reverse Indian Run. Like an Indian Run, but all the PAX run the loop and up and down the levee, while the last in line peels off and runs the opposite way around the loop.

20 second count, enough time to stretch out the hips with a little open the gate and close the gate.

Next pair up for 5 Bernies and 5 Planks. PAX 1 runs backward up the levee while PAX 2 holds one of 5 different planks, starting with high, low, left, right, and ending with bows and toes. Alternate with partner after each plank and Bernie.

Finally, a bit of DORA 1-2-3 OYO

  • 50 Money Humpers
  • 100 Jump Lunges
  • 150 Squats

*After each exercise is completed, one sprint up the levee and back. We made it to, but not through the squats, when it came time to head back to the flag.

Vigorous run back led by Smooth, just in time for 6:15, where we circled up and admired the sunrise. Hokie prayed us out. Thanks for pushing me today. – Kuch

Total Mileage: 2.86 miles