Sunday Funday
Sunday Funday

Sunday Funday


YHC arrived at the Renaissance AO about the same time as Hokie Pokey, and the assumption was we would be the only Pax to post. With time approaching 6:00 we thought about a run down the Bayou, until another vehicle came along, and with Gumby it made us three. With the threat of rain, we considered a mosey to the Peristyle, but then Abacus arrived, bringing us to four. YHC needed to bring a solid beat down to make the Sunday Funday worthwhile, so it began with a disclaimer and a mosey around Delong Drive. Circle up in front of NOMA.

Warmup all IC
SSH x 30
IW x 15
Grassgrabbers x 10
Arm circles x 20

First up – Dora 123
Partner up for the following
100 Burpees
200 Squats
300 LBC’s
Cumulative count, while other pax runs a lap around NOMA

Next up – Plank and Step ups
Stay partnered up. Pax 1 holds plank at top of NOMA steps, Pax 2 completes 20 step ups at NOMA fountain/pond. Flapjack for 5 rounds.

Total planking was 6 minutes each. Finish the beat down with 1:30 of planking, just to be sure the full 7 minutes was achieved.

Count off, Name-o-Rama, announcements, intentions, closed with a prayer to the Sky Q.

YHC did not really want to do much of anything this day, but the other pax posting got this guy motivated and we made our downPainment for the day.
Coffeteria was attended by all Pax. Good times!
Thanks for posting with me and for keeping F3 alive!