11’s at Popeyes
11’s at Popeyes

11’s at Popeyes

QIC:Two Yutes
PAX:Hawgcycle, Gatsby, Triple Shift, Rev Sox, Kenna Brah, War Eagle, Two Yutes

YHC was excited for his second  Q at Popeyes and had a decided to use the vast opportunities that the parks has to offer for some 11’s.  Quick disclaimer was given and we moseyed a bit for the warm up.


SSHs x 25

Seal Jacks x 20

Grass Grabbers x 20

Plank Jacks x 20

Arm Circles x 10 forward and x 10 backwards

Smurf Jacks x20

Wind Mills x 10

The Thang

Two rounds of 11’s kicked things off using the cement wall around the lagoon.

Round 1

10 right leg step ups at one end run across the green space and 1 LBC on the other side. Run back to the start for 9 right leg set ups over to the other side for 2 LBC’s.  8 right leg step us/3 LBC’s and so on.

Round 2

10 left leg step ups at one end run across the green space and 1 dip on the other side. Run back to the start for 9 left leg set ups over to the other side for 2 dips.  8 left leg step us/3 LBC’s and so on.

Still have some time for so more fun and YHC called out an Indian Run with no real destination in sight and the PAX naturally had some fun with no set destination. Finally we made it to the exercise equipment for two rounds of 5 pull ups as the timer with merkins and squats the exercises until the timer completed his 5 pull ups.  Thanks to Hawg for calling our various merkin and squats so not to do the same repetition twice.

Time is running low so back to the flag for a 20 Russian Twists to close things out.


Count O Rama, Name O Rama, announcements and intentions.  War Eagle and Kenna Brah closed out with a prayer and some reflection.  As always it is an honor to lead and workout with the F3 brotherhood.  SYITG.