We Interupt Your Regularly Scheduled Beat Down for Some YOGA
We Interupt Your Regularly Scheduled Beat Down for Some YOGA

We Interupt Your Regularly Scheduled Beat Down for Some YOGA

PAX:Shooter, Steve, Waterpik, Bushwacker (QIC)

As YHC laid his head down last night, he thought about why, after getting 12ish hours of sleep in the last 85, along with running almost 17 trail miles of sweet Georgia terrain topped off with more liquor than he had consumed in the entire last year, he was going to wake up in the 4 O’clock hour. To put it simply, he can’t get enough of F3!

That being said, this would not be any old beat down. Those in need go for restorative yoga indeed!


With supportive Steve handling technical difficulties, we started with some nice N easy…

Toe Touches

Abe Vigodas

Imperial Walkers


Down Dog picked a million-in-one time to be glitchy, so with the other technical difficulties handled, it was You Tube to the rescue. Our 40 minute yoga session was lead by an attractive , soft-spoken, slave mistress and torturess. With no mats, the tough PAX really took it on the knees! Still it was just what the doctor ordered, and we closed with set of slooooow Toe Touches.


Q prayed us out with all the thanks and appreciation that we who are so blessed should have. Thanks, guys, for showing up and ,especially Pik, for not walking away shaking his head, at the mention of a yoga-ful beat down.

And speaking of Pik, T-claps to the leader of the Northshore H8 for running a charity 5k at a blistering sub-8 minute pace this weekend! (just because he felt like it)