We’re up all night to get War Eagle a little culture
We’re up all night to get War Eagle a little culture

We’re up all night to get War Eagle a little culture

PAX:War Eagle, Cowbell, Smooth, Ya Mom'n Dem, Abacus, Grimace, Half Nelson, Walleye, High Rise

[5:25 AM, City Park, on a wet gray morning]

War Eagle: What is that thingamabob in your hand, Kuch?

Kuch: That’s a bluetooth speaker. It plays music.

War Eagle: Where I’m from, dancing is outlawed and the only music allowed is people singing Sweet Home Alabama.

Thus, it became clear to YHC that some music would be important to War Eagle’s continuing New Orleans education. So after a quick disclaimer, off we set to find a dry spot to warm up and moseyed up Roosevelt Mall to an intersection. Only the day before, I’d been humiliated around this very spot as I attempted to sprint to the finish ahead of Cowbell and Hawg at the Stomp, only to have them “jog” right by me. Cowbell was a little late today and did not reach the mosey spot until after we had already warmed up, so I will call it even.

Warm-up – all x20 or so

  • Arm Circles
  • Hill Billies
  • Windwills
  • Parker Peter
  • Some hip stretches
  • Mosey back down Roosevelt Mall to the far side of the track for the workout

First Tune of the Day – Tubthumping by Chumbawamba

  • “I get knocked down, but I get up again” = burpee
  • Everything else = SSH

We started getting a little sloppy on the SSH, so we did some in cadence. When we finished, one lap around the outside of the track to maximize those RRR miles.

Second Tune of the Day – Get Lucky by Daft Punk

  • “We’re up all night to get Lucky” = airsquat
  • Everything else = Al Gore

Again we got a little sloppy, and there was a bit of mumblechatter about whether YHC had thought this one through all the way. Instead of acknowledging that this might actually have been a pretty terrible idea, penalty burpees were handed out. When War Eagle critiqued YHC’s form on the penalty burpees, more penalty burpees were issued. Mumblechatter died down a bit after that. Another lap around the track, and T-claps to Cowbell, Smooth, War Eagle, & YaMom & Dem who took it upon themselves to sweep the six each time. I have been the six, and I know what it feels like to have people push you. Knowing you are not out there by yourself while everyone else moves on is a big deal, so kudos guys.

Third Tune of the Day – Flower (the Sally song) by Moby

Only one thing to do here, and that’s up and down merkins holding it at the top and bottom. Another lap around the outside with some more sweeping from the fast crew.

Fourth Tune of the Day – Proud Mary

What else would you do to Proud Mary other than some Mary? So we got down on the wet ground and alternated 10 lbc’s and 10 flutter kicks IC, one after the next, till the song ended.

Out of tunes to play, we Indian ran back down the track to the exit, where we moseyed to the flag for a minute or two of planking. Next time, we will get to Thunderstruck…

As always, thanks for letting me lead. It’s a privilege. F3 has stripped me of my excuses, and forced me to accept being uncomfortable. When we started RRR 4 weeks ago, I didn’t think I could run more than 2 days in a row, I thought I needed more sleep, thought my knee needed more rest and my shin splints and my back would keep me from ever running any real distance again and so on. As we close in on the end of this challenge, I know that I have vastly exceeded what I thought I was capable of just a month ago. For that, I can only thank all of you who set a constant example of hard work, dedication and consistency. SYITG – Kuch


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