King Kong Escaped Audubon and Found His Way to Rock City
King Kong Escaped Audubon and Found His Way to Rock City

King Kong Escaped Audubon and Found His Way to Rock City

QIC:King Kong
PAX:Abacus, Amnesty, Boo Boo, Cheese Fries, Grimace, Hand-Grenada, High Rise, Hokie Pokey, Kenner brah, King Kong, Kuch, Mahatma-Ice, Medulla Oblongata, Rev Sox, Rougaroux, Rudy, Scantron, TMI, Tool, Triple Shift, Walleye, YourMamaAndDem

Filled with excitement, YHC grabbed his passport this morning and went on a Metry field trip to Q his very first Rock City. YHC got to the AO about 15 minutes early and spotted Kuch, YourMomandDem, High Rise, and Abacus getting a head start by running a lap around the park to get some miles for the Run Ranger Run. T-claps for that!!! 22 strong Pax showed up on a cool, dry, windy Monday. YHC gave his standard disclaimer and told the Pax to mosey to the rocks, to pick up a decent size rock and mosey straight to the middle of the football field. Mumblechatter from Rudy telling YHC that Metry folks don’t lift up the rocks before warm-ups. Well… too bad. Off went the Pax.


Circled up in the middle of the football field and did the following in cadence

SSHs x 20

Windmills x 10

Hill Billies x 20 (YHC was trying to stay focus with his cadence count while Rudy was doing Imperial Walkers instead. Rudy claimed that Pax in Metry don’t do Hill Billies.)

Seal Jacks x 20

The Thang

Pax lined up in the middle of the football field with their rocks facing the field goal. Pax did the following exercises in the following sequences without stopping except in the middle of the workout where Mahatma gave us a 20 count.

Moseyed toward the field goal and performed 10 slow merkins IC.

Moseyed back to the middle to the rocks and performed 10 manmakers OYO.

Moseyed toward the other field goal and performed 20 plankjacks IC.

Ran back to the middle and performed 15 low slow squats with the rock IC.

Ran back toward the field goal and did 10 Cat Wine Mixer IC.

Ran back to the middle and performed 15 thrusters OYO.

Jogged toward the other field goal and did 20 Peter Parker IC.

Jogged back to the middle and did 15 rows IC

Jogged to the field goal and did 10 genuflects IC x 2 (10 on each leg).

Moseyed back to the middle and muscled up another 10 manmakers OYO.

Moseyed toward the other field goal and did 20 Parker Peter IC.

Moseyed back to the middle and did 20 chest press IC. (With a serious tone, Mahatma said to the Q “lets do 100 of these,” and YHC knew that was not going to happen.)

Ran to the field goal and did 15 lunges IC.

Ran back toward the middle and muscled up another 15 thrusters OYO.

Ran to the other field goal and lined up by the goal posts and bear crawled back to the middle and ended with last 10 manmakers OYO.

To sum up the workout, Pax did 20 merkins, 30 manmakers, 30 thrusters, 40 plank jacks, 40 Peter Parkers, 40 Parker Peters, 15 low slow squats with the rock, 30 rows, 40 chest presses, 10 Cat. Wine Mixers, 20 Genuflects, 30 lunges, and about 1.6 miles of running in between.

Round of Mary

Everyone stayed in the middle of the football field and did the following exercises in cadence:

LBCs x 20

Flutterkicks x 15

Hello Dolly x 15

Dying Cockroach x 20

Brought our beloved rocks back to their home and moseyed to the flag. While waiting for the Six, Pax planked and did 5 Nolan Ryan IC on each side.


Ended the day with Count O Rama, Name O Rama, announcements and intentions. No FNGs. We prayed for all the mentioned intentions and also a safe Mardi Gras season for all of us. YHC is very grateful to be able to lead the workout. Always an honor to workout with my F3 brothers. Thank You for accepting an Uptowner at a Metry AO. SYITG.

King Kong