The Scene:
The Knoll

A nice 65-degree morning, thankfully no rain…yet
5 men posted, Snack Pack stopped by to encourage us. Could not post due to hand surgery. Hats off for that act of kindness! Some men won’t get up to exercise at all and he comes all the way out to the AO just to shake our hands. Now thats a friend
Disclaimer: “I am not a professional trainer”
Warm-a-Rama: 15 reps for all
SSH, Al Gore’s, Toy Soldier, Arm Circles both ways, Wind Mills, then mosey around track to benches for Freak Nasty and incline merkins. Moved to picnic tables for step ups. Warm up complete
The Thang:
From the Movie Full Metal Jacket “This is my rifle. There are many like it but this one is mine. My rifle is my best friend.” Well, lets just use a rock from the creek!
This is MY ROCK! Time to mosey to the creek for some Jacob’s Ladder. Each Pax selected their rock to cuddle with for the remainder of the hour.
Started at bottom of the hill, only to sprint to the top “with your rock”. At top we did set of merkins x 10 on our rock. Sprint down the hill, careful not to drop the rock. At bottom, we did Peter Parkers x10 then quickly gathered the rock for another sprint up the hill. Then it was time for 5 burpees’, then another sprint to the bottom for a final set of monkey humpers x 10. 20 second rest count!
With you Rock! It was of on a mosey through the park trail to the football field to continue the Thang. We paired up for relay. One team member sprinted to the 25 while the other partner did merkins until they reached the 25-yard mark. Then that partner sprinted to them and did merkins while they made it to the 50, then repeated for 75- and 100-yard line. Rinse, repeat back the other way. 20 second rest count.
Moseyed back to creek still holding our rock to carefully place them back for another day!
Moseyed back to flag for some Mary’s: Leg Lifts ¼ to full up position and down same for x 10, Baby Crunches x 15, scissor kicks x 15, Jane Fonda’s left and right x 10, finished with American Hammer x15.
Prayers and request: asked for us to be leaders in our family and workplace. Prayed for our F3 brothers that were not able to be with us.
After prayer we discussed the need to reach out to past participants, try to get them back out.