Mind and Body Work – Penalty at Okwata
Mind and Body Work – Penalty at Okwata

Mind and Body Work – Penalty at Okwata

PAX:Walleye, Abacus, Babyface, Jingle Vader, Mahatma-Ice, Fracsac

YHC arrived at Okwata a few minutes early to get a little time put in for the monthly ISI challenge, which has me looking at a jump rope in a whole new way.  The pax started to trickle in at about 0525, so YHC set the jump rope aside and greeted each member.  With the shovel flags planted, one for ‘Merica and one for F3, we were ready to roll.  A brief disclaimer for the veteran crew of fine members of F3…..and then…..mosey around the mardi fountain and circle up on the green space in front for:


SSH IC x 21 (not the normal number, but a bit of foreshadowing)
Abe Vigodas IC x 10
Grass Grabbers IC x 10
IW IC x 15

We all have a lot going on, and we tend to go through the motions without using our minds beyond the basic requirements. Today, the pax would experience a beat down that had both mind and body engaged. Not engaging the mind would lead to a physical penalty. Fun, right?
The pax were asked to count off 1,2,1,2,1,2 and to remember if they are a 1 or a 2. Mosey to the levee.

Indian run on the levee.
Once each pax made a run to the front, halt for the first test.

SSH IC x 10 followed by a silent count to 21. If any pax makes an intent to continue a SSH beyond 21, the whole pax would be penalized. Spoiler alert: The pax got penalized!

Penalty: 1’s run down one side of the levee, 2’s go the other way. Run up the levee, complete 5 burpees and continue across the levee. Run back up the levee and finish with 5 burpees.

Indian run with a disperse call.
The pax were instructed to count off 1,2,3,4,5,6 and remember whether you are odd or even, but don’t forget if you are a 1 or 2.
When the last pax reaches the front, yell disperse and odds go down one side of the levee, evens go the other way. Complete 3 burpees and run back up the levee to take your place back in formation.
Once each pax made it to the front, halt for the next test.

SSH IC x 10 followed by a silent count to 19. If any pax makes an intent to continue a SSH beyond 19, the whole pax would be penalized. Spoiler alert: The pax got penalized again!

Penalty: 1’s run down one side of the levee, 2’s go the other way. Run up the levee, complete 5 burpees and continue across the levee. Run back up the levee and finish with 5 burpees.

Regular Indian run again. Once each pax made it to the front, halt and turn around.
Indian run with a disperse call headed back. YHC had the pax count off 1,2,3,4,5,6 again.
When the last pax reaches the front, yell disperse and odds go down one side of the levee, evens go the other way. Complete 3 plankjacks and run back up the levee to take your place back in formation.
Once each pax made it to the front, halt for the next test.

SSH IC x 10 followed by a silent count to 17. If any pax makes an intent to continue a SSH beyond 17, the whole pax would be penalized. YHC has never seen the pax so synchronized doing a SSH! No penalty!  Well done!
Mosey to the corner of Lakeshore and Canal.

Modified Dora 123
partner up
50 burpees
100 OH claps with a jump (it’s a SSH with a clap)
150 Squats
Cumulative count, partner runs up to top of levee at Canal and back down, flip flop until all exercises complete. Once team is complete, plank and wait or continue running up and down.

Times Up, mosey back to the Shovel Flags.


Count off, name-o-rama, announcements, intentions, and closed with a prayer.

Thanks for posting with me today! Well done, Men! SYITG!