Sweating on a Saturday wit “EMOM” and Dem!
Sweating on a Saturday wit “EMOM” and Dem!

Sweating on a Saturday wit “EMOM” and Dem!

QIC:Mahatma - Ice
PAX:Recall, Heisenberg, Jingle Vader, Two Yutes, Woz, Triple Shift, King Kong, Fracsac, Douille, Coxswain, Corner Pocket, Yankee, Backdraft, Mahatma, Rudy, Hawg, El Guapo, Wetsuit, Hokie Pokey, Mambi Baby Face, Belloq, Wolverine, Abacus, Justice, Cowbell,

EMOM and DEM (you might have to be a “yat” to get it)

What an awesome day to luck out as a fill in Q!  26 men decided to show up at the mothership for a Sat sweat which I wasn’t sure I had prepared to deliver.  But non the less the disclaimer was given and the Pax headed out, with one FNG in our group.

We moseyed passed the grant lawn, with a few expected mumbles, for a longer run than most might have anticipated to then circle up next to the baby foundry and warm up.

All in cadence:

SSH x 25

Slow toe touches x 25

Windmills x 15

Mnt Climbers x 25

Shoulder Taps x 25

Then we broke up into 7 groups (6×4 and 1×2) in order to utilize the foundry tools (some felt it was “too” close for comfort and modified):

2 rounds of:

Pull ups

Incline push ups

Step ups


Jump overs

Hangs (some added leg crunches)

Timer was 10 burpees (Hawg continued to encourage the ensure the over head clap was “heard” for good measure of performance).

The PAX was ready for a 3rd round but there was a plan in place and we had a lot of work to complete, so mosey back to the great lawn.

4 groups (2×7 and 2×6) Attack the corners with added burpees in the center x 2

Each group started on a corner and completed exercise and reps prescribed by the QIC – then rotate (running) to the next corner while leaving corner #1 would run to center of lawn complete 5 burpees before going to corner #2, from #2 run long side to #3, from #3 run to center of lawn complete 5 burpees before heading to #4 then run long side to #1……repeat!

#1 20 sqt jumps

#2 10 each arm alternating push ups for total of 20

#3 20 V Ups

#4 20 Shoulder taps

NOW, Pax was well oiled and lubricated, ready to finish strong!


QIC was nervous as there was just 20 minutes on the clock and there was no time to waste……had the PAX assemble in groups along the benches then barked out the instructions.

15 Box Jumps…..cross the street and wait.

Full Sprint to third tree (designated with big branch) and back!

Bear Crawl out…..same tree

Kong Back…..cross the street

10 Burpees

Every minute on the minute – So the faster you complete each THANG the more rest you get BUT the clock never stops for an expected 20 minutes of continuous effort!

Pax (including the QIC) may have underestimated our fitness level as the 1st round was easier than expected BUT we all figured out quickly that rounds 2 and 3 kicked out butts!  Unfortunately we were not going to have enough time to complete the 4th round so instead of cheating the PAX out of the total 60 minutes we all showed up for, the QIC quickly transition to a bit of MARY –

20 4 count flutter kicks

1 minute of plank

Then we headed back to the flag with pride that we all left a lot of sweat behind for Your Emom n dem!

Circle Up – count off

Today we had an FNG – now known as “Wetsuit”, big shout out of respect (54 as I recall), he came and hung with the group completing our stroll through the park.  No doubt I may have missed the opportunity of a more rounded “waterpick” name but maybe Wetsuit will bring an FNG that is a water skiing dentist!

NameOrama – Intentions and closing prayer of thanksgiving!  God Bless!

Planting a seed – Please check your family calendars for the month of July – looking to coordinate a F2 event where we can expand our camaraderie in a NON workout atmosphere, notice I didn’t say sweat as this would be Summer in NOLA  .  I’d like to suggest a Saturday afternoon, somewhere central for a BBQ with family friendly games.  July 14, 21 or 28.  More details to come!



One comment

  1. Rudy

    Mahatma – Great idea for a cookout. We’ll be out of town on the 28th, but should be available on the 14th or 21st. I’d be happy to help with coordination/planning/execution, let me know how I can help!


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