At 38 degrees, this was one of those mornings where YHC was entertaining the possibility of no one showing, and slipping peacefully back into the warmth of my bed. But if there’s one thing you can count on, it’s the Northshore F3 PAX representing. Light representation, but hey, representation nonetheless. It only takes one… The Manny was already warming up when I rolled in, and it goes without saying that the always-present Shooter rolled in shortly thereafter. Alrighty, let’s do this then…
Warm- Up: Good Mornings, Seal Jacks, Mummy Kicks, High Knees, Butt Kicks, Seal Jacks, and SSH’s. Then mosey
Four Corners (and then some): We started on Lamarque and Livingston with 10 merkins. Headed south, alternating between sprints and moseys, adding 20 shoulder taps to the 10 merks at the next corner. Continued on, adding at each corner until we were at 10x Merkins, 20x Shoulder Taps, 30x LBC’s, and 40x Mountain Climbers. Another 4 blocks descending back down to 10 Merkins. Which dropped us off at…
The Bus Depot Benches: 15x IC Left Leg Bulgarians, 15x IC Freak Nasties, Right Leg, Freaks. 10x IC Left Leg Ups, Freaks, Right Leg.
Mosey back to the Marsh, hitting the trailhead stairs 4x up/down on the way.
Once back, hit the pull up bar for a descending ladder of pull ups and knee ups: 10 of each, 8, 6, 4, 2.
Quick Mary of Freddie Mercs, Flutter Kicks, 100’s, and Crunchy Frogs, countdown, nameorama, and The Manny led us out with a prayer. Thanks guys for showing up this morning.