Shooter-less Scramble
Shooter-less Scramble

Shooter-less Scramble

PAX:Bushwacker(QIC), Butt Splice, Dundee, Ocho (The Headlocker) , Prankster(FNG)

Q’n for a brother, YHC made his first appearance at the Scramble. Arriving with the mumble-chattering PAX ready to roll, we wasted no time.

Warmorama (all IC)


15 IW

20 BK

In the especially muggy gloom, we headed out on the “classic” route down Massena to Monroe, left to Chase Ct for the loop in Hermitage on the Lake, on to sunset point and the end of the pier, finally back up Massena to the AO. YHC, FNG, and Dundee brought up the rear to find Butt Splice departed to get his work in (ain’t nobody got time for dat!) and Ocho facedown on the damp concrete plankin’ for ISI pennies. Welcome, Prankster, to the best group of guys this side of the enemy line!

Thanks to Ocho for praying us out, with lagniappe prayers for special intentions.