Into the Brier Patch
Into the Brier Patch

Into the Brier Patch

PAX:Jingle Vader, Milkman, Bongo, HVAC, Fracsac (QIC)

“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.”

Michael Jordan

YHC arrived early enough to plant the shovel flag and to set up some cones for an Uptowner beatdown. It’s 0530, the disclaimer is given, so nothing holding us back now.
SSH IC x 31
Abe Vigodas IC x 10

Grab a medium large rock and set it by the cone nearest the Shovel flag. There are 4 cones set up in a baseball diamond configuration, each approximately 15 yards apart. Home plate is nearest the shovel flag.
Although YHC has improved his bear crawl ability, it’s not nearly good enough. If one wants to improve at something, one must do more of it!  Wanting and wishing won’t get us there, so let’s make it happen!
Round one:
Bear crawl 15 yards to first cone:
Merkins IC x 20 (4 count x 10)
Bear crawl 15 yards to second cone:
Catalina wine mixers IC x 10 (6 count)
Bear crawl 15 yards to third cone:
10 Burpees OYO
Bear crawl 15 yards to home plate cone:
Grab the rock – Curls IC x 20

Round two:
Bear crawl 15 yards to first cone:
WW 2 Sit Ups IC x 20 (4 count x 10)
Bear crawl 15 yards to second cone:
Tin snips IC x 20
Bear crawl 15 yards to third cone:
10 Burpees OYO
Bear crawl 15 yards to home plate cone:
Grab the rock – OH Shoulder Press IC x 20

Round three:
Bear crawl 15 yards to first cone:
Copper head squats IC x 20
Bear crawl 15 yards to second cone:
Monkey Humpers IC x 20
Bear crawl 15 yards to third cone:
10 Burpees OYO
Bear crawl 15 yards to home plate cone:
Grab the rock – Elf on the shelf IC x 10 left, IC x 10 right

Rinse and repeat all three rounds for a total of 6 rounds!

Upon completing the final Elf on the Shelf, just enough time for a little Mary!

Freddie Mercury IC x 20
Flutter Kicks IC x 20
Hello Dolly IC x 20

Return the rocks to the pile.

COT for count off, name-o-rama, announcements, intentions, and closed it out with a prayer.
Stay safe with Nate coming through this weekend!
Thanks for posting this morning for a stroll through the brier patch!
For those in the October ISI Challenge, each Pax completed 120 merkins with a whole lot of bear crawlin’! Well done!