Always good to learn at 6pm instead of 11pm. Fiction: Never mind a daughter who forgot all her math books at school prior to her math test the next day or a wife who wants to strangle said daughter or two sons that haven’t bathed in three days- I’ve got a workout to plan! Fact: As I fall asleep at 1130! So perhaps a good time sink or two will make for a good workout with minimal planning.
Much to my delight at 530 is assembled a grizzled group of F3 veterans plus a 22 year old Pony Boy. They got this. Let’s Mosey.
Warm up by the Zoo: SSH X 30, Peter Parker X 30, IW X 30, Mountain Climber X 30
Mosey to levee for Burp Back Mountain:
Partner one does Burpees, Partner two runs backwards up the levee and back down forwards, two laps and switch. Continue to 100 Burpees. The darkness plus tall grass plus running backwards on the one part of the levee with an apparent sub-levee all added to the fun! Once done, keep running. Recover with a slow 30 count.
Mosey to the river bank in the Fly. Ring of Fire. Big circle with bear crawl to the right. Halt. Round of Merkins, each Pax does 5 and passes on the love. Bear crawl to the left. Halt. Repeat the round of Merkins. Bear crawl to the center and listen to breathing of the Pax. Having heard enough, recover.
Mosey to the soccer field for some 21. Start here with 20 LBCs and go there for 1 jump squat. Having no watch the Q lost track of time. Had to call it at 16/5, still a winning hand!
Double time mosey back from the Fly to the Flag.
Count off to 14. Nameorama with a 30 plus year age span observed. Kudos to the Pax! Intentions for our friends and family in Houston and prayers for those in Florida. Thanks to God for a great start to the day.
P.S. She made an A despite her efforts.